Avation, logistics and aerospace

We protect
your worldwide


Freight transportation containers from Thermodyne are in use worldwide - in the air, on the road and on the high seas. Our containers pass even the toughest testing procedures and are therefore certifiable in accordance with ATA 300, CAT 1.

Avation, logistics and aerospace

At home by all means of transport

Stackable. Robust. Lightweight. Space-saving. Waterproof. Fireproof. The requirements for the transportation of sensitive goods for spare parts, production and supply chains can be very specific. The aviation industry in particular sets high standards for transport solutions. In order to be able to supply containers certified for the aviation industry in accordance with ATA 300 (Category I), these still have to be fully functional after 280 drop tests from a height of one meter. Suitably equipped, our containers are made to pass these toughest of test procedures with ease. For example, Lufthansa stores and transports its highly sensitive aircraft spare parts in Thermodyne packaging systems.


We contain

Your world

Well advised. In all elements.

Tim Eggelmeyer

The perfect transport solution for your purpose depends on many factors. Together with you, we determine the requirements and develop a convincing package of solutions.

Phone+49 (0) 541 181 4997 - 94

Customs Solutions

that bear your



In the case of Thermodyne products, the special and individual does not just end with size and features. We are able to offer you almost unlimited possibilities for the customisation and branding of your solution. In a large number of projects, we have looked at how we can introduce additional functions that have gone beyond the original specifications and have added real added to the user.


Customs Solutions